Tuesday 1 September 2009

Nature's Lullaby

As I gaze out through my window at summer’s bright blue chalky sky,
I hear and see the sights and sounds that bring tear drops to my eye..
at trees whose leaves hang like mermaid’s tresses, from their slender bending stems,
pendulous and glistening in the bright sunlight, are mother nature’s little gems.

Dancing and undulating in response to every little summer breeze that blows
like a sight that stirs a mothers heart, at first glimpse, of baby’s tiny toes.
The joyous sound of singing birds showing they are so happy to be alive
And the sound of the busy humming bees flying out from a nearby hive

So purposeful is nature in her wisdom in a myriad of ways
her infinite balance and variety earns many a poet’s praise
nothing ever remains constant all just comes and goes
all part of nature’s master plan as any wise man knows

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